Delaware Notary Services

Delaware Notary Services


You may have to notarize a document to make the signatures on it lawfully authorized by a state official. Different than many other countries, in the US, notarization does not mean that the notarized document is legally valid; however, it authorizes the signatures on it.

Although the notaries in unitary countries are authorized officials that are appointed by the state, in the US federal system, notaries are appointed by the state governments.

There are some particularities of the notary system in the US. First of all, as stated above, authorizing a notary is up to the state governments which means, there are different requirements and process in this quest. In 32 states, anyone who pays a specific fee and fills out a form can become a notary. The other 18 states apply some tests. However, it is safe to claim that it is relatively easy to become a notary in the US. This is primarily because the notaries have little legal authority. Nevertheless, the extent of their constitutional power may vary from state to state. Notaries in the US cannot give legal advice, nor can they prepare petitions or documents for any process. That means a person who needs to write a request that should be notarized later, for a legal or official operation in the US needs to know the structure of the petition. Without professional help, this may be somewhat tricky and cause trouble. In order not to face any difficulties with your legal and official transactions in the United States, you may want to get professional help. For that, you can contact us.

Where can I find a notary in the US?

As it is easy to become a notary, they can be found with ease. Below is a short list of where you can find a notary in the US, in general. Please note that the list is not limited to the information here:

State/County offices
Some law firms/offices
UPS offices
FedEx offices

Also, some travel agencies, realtor offices, and insurance companies may have a full-time notary at their offices. You do not have to be a client to any of these businesses to get your documents notarized; however, none of them will provide you anything without authorization.

Why should I get a document notarized?

Unlike many countries, there are not many obligatory processes that should be handled under the supervision of a notary or transactions that should be notarized in a period. Nevertheless, it is still essential to get some document approved in some cases. This is mainly because almost every process is double-checked and prone to questioning in the US.

Let’s say that you have just signed a vital business agreement. Even though the signatures on the agreement document is binding, the authorization of the names on a paper can save you from fraud and ID theft. Therefore, it is smart to notarize any vital document you have for future considerations.

Also, you may need to have notarization for some of your documents that were issued in another country, to use them in the US as legally valid documents. This may include a birth certificate, incorporation documents, agreements and official documents.

What do we offer?

If you have any document that needs to be authorized by a notary; or a report that should be prepared for notarization, you can contact us for professional help. We offer:

Notarization of documents
Preparation of statements
Writing petitions
Shipping the documents to anywhere in the world

Professional help always saves you time when it comes to legal and official processes. In the United States, any method has specific steps to follow; but, this may seem complicated for inexperienced people. To handle what you need faster, contact us.

You can choose one of our services to start your business in the US, and you can always contact us for further information or questions.

If you have pre-sales questions, Call us + 1 302 310 21 76 ( You can also text on WhatsApp!) is a registered brand of “Social Enterprises, Inc.”

Notary Services

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