+7500 companies have been established. +5500 income tax returns have been filed. +63 companies are currently in the process of establishment.


If your company formation is INC, Co, or if you chose to have your company taxed as a corporation after formation, you need to file taxes as a corporation.

Social Enterprises LLC is a Registered Agent authorized by the state of Delaware to provide services.


The option to be taxed as a corporation means that the company is recognized as a separate legal entity.

In this case, a separate corporate tax is paid on the company’s income, and the tax return is submitted as a corporation. Business owners keep their personal income separate from the business income and do not file personal returns for business income.

Samet Oynamış

Verified IRS CAA and Enrolled Agent

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There are some advantages to being taxed as a corporation.

First of all, the company has limited liability. This ensures that the personal assets of the business owners are kept separate from the company’s debts. In case of bankruptcy, the personal assets of the business owners are protected. Additionally, when taxed as a corporation, business owners can obtain salaries and benefits allocated for the business at a lower tax rate.


There are also some obligations associated with being taxed as a corporation.

Business owners must regularly maintain financial records, accurately track business income and expenses, and submit tax returns on time and correctly. Additionally, a business taxed as a corporation is required to keep corporate minutes and record significant transactions in writing.


Another issue is that companies taxed as corporations are subject to certain regulations.

For example, regular board meetings must be held, decisions must be documented, and a board resolution book must be maintained. Such regulations are important to maintain the legal and financial integrity of the company.


When preparing the tax return for a company taxed as a corporation, it is important to seek support from a professional accountant or tax consultant.

This is because the company needs to comply with complex tax regulations and utilize advantageous tax strategies. An accountant or tax consultant can assist business owners with accurate tax return preparation, cost-effective management, and taking advantage of tax benefits.


In conclusion, a company taxed as a corporation offers business owners benefits such as limited liability, tax advantages, and recognition of the business as a separate legal entity.

However, it is important to maintain accurate financial records and fulfill tax obligations timely and correctly. Business owners can effectively manage the financial health and legal compliance of their corporation by working with an accountant or tax consultant.

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