+7500 companies have been established. +5500 income tax returns have been filed. +63 companies are currently in the process of establishment.

U.S. Tax Treaties with Bangladesh & Pakistan: Personal Services Income

If you are a citizen of the countries that have signed tax treaties with the United States and also meet other requirements, you may be exempt from US income tax for certain personal services perfomed in the US, provided that if you are in the US for a limited period of time.

In the above-mentione countriess that have signed tax treaties with the US, there are also  Bangladesh and Pakistan.


Provided that the following conditions are met, the income that residents of Bangladesh get for performing personal services as independent contractors or self-employed in the United States is excluded from the US income tax:

  • If the residents of Bangladesh are in the United States for no longer than 183 days in any 12-month period of time during the tax year.
  • Residents of Bangladesh who do not have a regular fixed base available to them in the US to run their services.

Residents of Bangladesh who are receiving income for the services they run in the United States as employees (dependent personal services) are excluded from the US income tax if they meet the requirements below:

  • They are in the United States for no longer than 183 days in any 12-month period of time during the tax year.
  • The income they are receiving is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a US resident.
  • The income does not originate from a permanent establishment or a fixed base owned by the employer in the United States.

These exemptions are not applicable to:

  • Public entertainers such as theater, radio, television artists, musicians or athletes from Bangladesh are getting more than $10,000 for the purpose of performing their activities or services in the United States during the year. In addition to that, if their activities and visits to the United States are wholly or substantially supported by the public funds of the Bangladesh government or local authorities, their income is exempt from the US tax.
  • The income received from operating an aircraft or ship by a Bangladesh enterprise in international traffic is excluded from the US tax. On the other hand, the income is not exempt from the US tax if the aircraft or ship is operated by a US enterprise.
  • If the resident of Bangladesh is a shareholder of a US company, these exemptions are not applicable to director fees charged as board members of the US company. An amount greater than the amount paid by a shareholder to a non-shareholder is subject to US tax at a rate of 15%.

Pakistan Residents of Pakistan who are subject to Pakistani tax and perform personal services including professional services for or on behalf of a resident of Pakistan are exempt from the US income tax if they are in the United States for no longer than 183 days during the tax year.

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