+7500 companies have been established. +5500 income tax returns have been filed. +63 companies are currently in the process of establishment.

Delaware certificateAlso known as a “certificate of authorization or “certificate of existence”, indicates that your entity is fully qualified and authorized to do business within a particular state. It is a certificate issued by the state authorities (generally by a secretary of the state).

We can help you obtain this certificate from the state jurisdiction. You can enjoy your time while we handle the time-consuming paperwork in jurisdictional offices for you. Furthermore, you can access your license within our database.

Gathering a certificate of good standing is just one of our many services!

With your certificate of good standing:

You confirm that jurisdictional payments of fees by your business entity are up-to-date,
Your business has completed the amounts of its franchise taxes,
Your company has achieved an annual report,

Why a certificate of good standing?

Companies/institutions may sometimes ask for a certificate of good standing to co-operate. The following institutions will also require it occasionally.

– State authorities (for the application of foreign qualification)

– Local jurisdictions (for the renewal of licenses)

– Lenders

– Potential partners planning to cooperate

You can choose one of our services to start your business in the US, and you can always contact us for further information or questions.

If you have pre-sales questions, Call us + 1 302 310 21 76 ( You can also text on WhatsApp!)

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